March 27, 2023

Lunch: Corn Dog

Other Lunch Options:   No other options today

Breakfast Tomorrow:  Cereal Bowl

 --Please join us for EAST Night Out, Thursday, March 30th from 3:30 until 6:30.  You will be able to see what we do in EAST as the students show off their work.

--The ACCUPLACER will be given March 28th, April 3rd, and April 4th for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students who have signed up. You will be emailed your day and time for testing.

--Seniors- The ACCUPLACER will be given on Wednesday, March 29th from 8:15-11:15 in the computer lab by the Library. This will allow you to earn the scores needed for both the Lottery and UACCM Scholarships. The UACCM scholarship deadline is April 1st. This testing session is for SENIORS only. There is no sign-up. Please report to the lab at 8:15 that morning. 

--Seniors:  Cap and Gowns will be distributed tomorrow during Advisory if you have ordered yours.  Meet in the Cafeteria at 12:30. If you have not ordered yours yet, you are running out of time and need to order it IMMEDIATLEY.  Please come see Mrs. Huett in the office if you need any help.