November 8, 2024

Lunch: Beef burrito with chili and cheese, refried bean, salad with ranch, fruit and milk

Option 2: Cheeseburger

Option 3: Pizza

Breakfast Monday: Banana Bread, fresh fruit, juice and milk

Senior composite pictures will be taken on November 20th. This will be for the students who did not have them made earlier and also retake

Any canned vegetables you bring for the Harvest of Hope Food Drive can be used to waive your library overdue fines. 1 can=$1.00. Bring your cans to the library, and I'll make sure your 1st period teacher knows how many you brought for the competition.

Bring can vegetables to your 1st period class. The class that collects the most for The Harvest of Hope Food Drive will win a donut party. The drive will go until November 22nd.

Got an old cell phone you don't need? Donate it to EAST to help the battered women at The Safe Place! We will get it ready and get it to someone in need. There is a collection box in the office or you can take it to Mrs. Mobley's room!

 The Thespians are having a club meeting today during Advisory.  You should be able to self-enroll.  If you have any trouble enrolling, please contact Ms. Hooten.

FCA will meet on today, November 8, during Advisory in the old gym.  Self-enroll in RTI or email Mrs. Halbrook to be added to the roster.

Devil Dogs will play at Clarksville tonight night.

There will be a NEXTGEN meeting and a prom meeting today during DDD.

Saturday: The dance team will be in competition in Brookland.

Quiz bowl tournament at Central High.

Band will march in the Veterans Day Parade.