January 16, 2025
Lunch: Pork roast with gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots, wheat roll, fruit and milk
Option 2: Pizza
Option 3: Cheeseburger
Breakfast tomorrow: French toast, syrup, fruit and milk
Attention Volunteers: MHS Quiz Bowl will host a tournament here on Saturday, Jan. 18, from 7:30 am- 5:00 pm. You can work part of the tournament or all day. Donuts and lunch will be provided. Sign up by emailing Mr. Parks or Mrs. Hopkins.
Seniors: Please get your photos for the Senior Slideshow to Mrs. Mobley by January 31st. You can email or bring up to 8 photos from birth to the present for the slideshow. You also bring additional group photos for the show. Email Mrs. Mobley or bring them to her room, 203.
Seniors: If you have not ordered your cap and gown, please do so ASAP.
Junior high basketball vs. Russellville at Devil Dog arena tonight.
Congratulations to the 2025 EAST Conference Team! They are Maya Lozano, Alyse Toney, Leona Whaley, Destani Rainey, Noah Wilson, Henry Gannway, Kristo Campbell, Eddie Moll, and Wyatt Russell.
The ladies signed up to participate in the Ayer pageant will be meeting today during Devil Dog Development in Mrs. Vickers' room. Please email her if you are not included on the RTI Scheduler roster.