January 21, 2025

Lunch: Chicken noodle soup, corn, biscuit, fruit and milk

Option 2: Pizza

Option 3: Cheeseburger

Breakfast Tomorrow: Sausage Roll up, fruit and milk

Seniors: Please get your photos for the Senior Slideshow to Mrs. Mobley by January 31st.  You can email or bring up to 8 photos from birth to the present for the slideshow.  You also bring additional group photos for the show. Email Mrs. Mobley or bring them to her room, 203.

Seniors: If you have not ordered your cap and gown, please do so ASAP.

Lady Devil Dogs will play at Bauxite today at 5:30.

Junior high boys will play at home starting at 6:00 today.

Devil Dogs will play Lisa Academy West at home starting at 7:00.

Auditions for the spring play will be next week. This semester, we have 5 student-directed acts, and we need actors.  There is no need to be in any theatre class to participate.  Auditions will be 4-7 in the Fine Arts Building, and we will also take video auditions.  There is no need to prepare a monologue. We will have selected readings for you. Teachers are also welcome. Contact Ms. Hooten for the audition form and details.