May 23, 2022

 Lunch:  Beef Patty w/ Mashed Potatoes

        Option 2:   Yogurt Boat

         Option 3:   Salad

        Breakfast tomorrow:  Donut

 --All books and calculators are due today.

 --If any student has medication stored in the nurse's office (prescription or not) it must be picked up by a parent by the end of the day Thursday, May 26th.  Any medicine not picked up will be dropped off at the police station or destroyed and will not be available for the following school year.

 --Student Council speeches will be during Advisory today.  Voting will take place in the auditorium after the speeches using your phone.  You must be present to vote.

 --Congratulations to our MHS DECA Officers for next year:

President- Chloe McNabb

VP Marketing- Jessi Hunt

VP Finance - Julie Russell 

VP Career Development- Livvy McQuain