September 29, 2022

 Lunch:  Oven Roasted Chicken

Other Lunch Options:  Yogurt Boat, Salad or Pizza

Breakfast Tomorrow:  Sausage Biscuit

 --The FCA Razorback game has been moved to November 5th. If you have already paid, please email Mrs. Thammarath to confirm your spot. 

--Seniors:  A UCA representative will be here during Advisory today to discuss information about the college, their programs and application process.  It is highly recommended that you attend.

--The theme for Homecoming tomorrow is 70s.

--There will be a Homecoming Dance tomorrow night from 9:00-11:30. It is casual attire and it is Free!!

--We will be on our early release schedule tomorrow.  At 2:00 we will go to the Arena for the Homecoming Pep Rally.   There will be no Advisory or Intervention but we will have lunch detention and homework support.

--The Tennis Team will be dismissed after 8th period today.

--The Volleyball Team will be dismissed at 2:00 today.