November 3, 2022

 Lunch:   Chicken Nuggets

Other Lunch Options:  Yogurt Boat, Salad or Pizza

Breakfast Tomorrow:  Sausage biscuit

 --Don't miss the fall thespian production of Student directed One Acts.  Show dates are November 10th and 12th at 6:00 pm and November 13 at 2:00 pm.  

--There will be a Speech/Debate Club meeting today at 3:30.

--If you are going to FCA Day at Razorback Stadium this Saturday, the bus will be leaving at 10:00 am from behind the arena. Please arrive by 9:45.

--This is the last week for the Food Drive.  Turn in cans of vegetables to your Advisory teacher by Friday.

--MHS will have a blood drive on Wednesday, November 9th.  To schedule an appointment, visit and use sponsor code: 288w.

--The Maroon and Gray Basketball games are tonight.  9th grade starts at 5:30 and High School starts at 6:30!