January 5, 2023

 Lunch:   Breaded Beef Sticks

Other Lunch Options:   Salad, Yogurt Boat or Pizza

Breakfast Tomorrow:  Cinnamon Toast

 --Seniors: Scholarships have been released. Please check your email for information about each scholarship. Please continue to check your email regularly.

--Students:  Please remember that you are not allowed to order food from a delivery service.  A parent MUST be the person who drops food off!!

 --Speech and Drama Club meetings today at 3:30.

--We need your artwork in the library! Help us fill up our gallery wall with your drawings/paintings and display 3D art on the bookshelves. You do not have to be an art student! If you would like your artwork displayed in the library, please bring it to Mrs. Grendell. Your artwork will be returned to you. 

--The Ayer Pageant is Saturday, January 28th. If you are interested in signing up to be a contestant, contact Ms. Rose. The last day to sign up is Friday, January 20th.