Nov. 18th Calendar of Events:
1. Jr. Boys & Girls BB @ Quitman Tournament
“If you really have integrity, there are very few people who can insult you, or honor you.” - Bill Russell

We are thrilled to announce that Maya Lozano, a scholar from Morrilton High School, was recognized as one of the finalists out of an incredible 1,300 art submissions statewide.
Join us in celebrating Maya's outstanding achievement and creativity. #loveservecare4people

Congratulations Devil Dogs! On to the second round of the 5A State Playoffs next Friday. #LoveServeCare4People❤️

AP Government hosted a panel of parents involved in politics. Parents answered questions from students on how to get involved at the local level. We are so thankful to our parents that support our students and school!

Click the link to read the 11-15 MHS announcements.

Nov. 15th Calendar of Events:
1. Sr. FB Playoff Game TBD - 7:00 p.m.
“Commitment separates those who live their dreams from those who live their lives regretting the opportunities they have squandered.” - Bill Russell

Thank you @THV11 for spending the morning with us. Go Dogs! #earlyinthemorning

Nov. 14th Calendar of Events:
1. 7th & Sr. Girls BB vs. Greenland @ Home - 4:00 p.m.
2. Sr. Boys BB @ Cabot - 6:00 p.m.
“The most important measure of how good a game I played was how much better I’d made my teammates play..” - Bill Russell

Click the link to read the 11-13 MHS announcements.

Nov. 13th Calendar of Events:
1. 7th Girls BB vs. Alma @ Home - 4:00 p.m.
“Success is a result of consistent practice of winning skills and actions. There is nothing miraculous about the process. There is no luck involved.” - Bill Russell

Best of luck to our marching band as they participate today in the State Marching Contest!!

Click the link to read the 11-12 MHS announcements.

Nov. 12th Calendar of Events:
1. 9th and Sr. Boys BB @ Nevada County - 6:00 a.m.
2. Sr. Girls BB @ Clarksville Classic - TBD
“Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission. I truly believe in the saying "We work to become, not to acquire."” - Bill Russell

Congratulations to our MHS staff members who were recognized by the SCCSD Board of Education with the Devil Dog Award.

Happy Veterans Day from MHS. Thank you to Coach Keith Zackery for being our speaker and thank you to the Conway County Peacemakers for providing quilts for our veterans.

Click the link to read the 11-11 MHS announcements.

Remember the sacrifice of our Veterans and their families.

Nov. 11th Calendar of Events:
1. Veterans’ Day
“Veterans know better than anyone else the price of freedom, for they've suffered the scars of war. We can offer them no better tribute than to protect what they have won for us. That is our duty.” - Ronald Reagan

Morrilton High School will be hosting a Veterans Day Assembly tomorrow at 12:30pm in HB White Auditorium. The public is encouraged to attend by checking in at the MHS office with their driver's license.

MHS 9th Grade Quiz Bowl Team went 5-1 at the Tiger Cup Invitational. They beat Annie Camp Jr. High, Guy Perkins, White Hall, Conway Christian, and Greenwood before falling to Conway.