Congratulations to our Devil Dog Excellence winners for the week. #LoveServeCare4People❤️

Click the link to read the 11-8 MHS announcements.

Nov. 8th Calendar of Events:
1. Sr. FB @ Clarksville - 7:00 p.m.
“I thought I would never get a chance to play, until one time I did, because I was prepared and the opportunity presented itself.” - Tom Brady

Thank you Dr. Shaneil Ealy for sharing with our MHS students about the importance of integrity, one of our Devil Dog Excellence traits.

Click the link to read the 11-7 MHS announcements.

Nov. 7th Calendar of Events:
1. No Events Scheduled
“When you’re one of the leaders of the team, there are no days off.” - Tom Brady

Thank you to our MHS staff members who did not miss a day of instruction during the month of October. We appreciate you!!

Thank you to Gary Logan of the Arkansas Game and Fish Education Division, for stopping by and sharing with our staff some of the resources available to our school. Thank for the popcorn and drinks also!

Thank you to Ava McNew and her father for serving our community.

Click the link to read the 11-6 MHS announcements.

Nov. 6th Calendar of Events:
1. No Events Scheduled
“I can’t do anything with what’s happened in the past. I have to just go forward with the most awareness I can going forward and try to be the best I can be for our team.” - Tom Brady

The Morrilton High School Blood Drive is November 6. To make an appointment, visit obi.org or call 877-340-8777. Mrs. Black has permission slips in the nurse's office.

Click the link to read the 11-4 MHS announcements.

Nov. 5th Calendar of Events:
1. Jr. FB vs. Russellville @ Home - 5:30 p.m.
“I think sometimes in life the biggest challenges end up being the best things that happen in your life.” - Tom Brady

Click the link to read the 11-4 MHS announcements.

Nov. 4th Calendar of Events:
1. 7th FB vs. Russellville @ Home - 5:00 p.m.
“Things don’t correct themselves, you’ve got to go out there and work hard to correct them.” - Tom Brady

Special thanks to the Conway County Republicans for a donation to the MHS Teenage Republicans Club. Thank you Rep. Beck and JP Johnathan Trafford for attending the meeting today. #LoveServeCare4People

Mock voting has begun at MHS. Thank you to Ms. Vickers and the AP Government classes for making this possible.

The speech and debate team had a successful and busy weekend at Bigelow High School's Fall for One and One for Fall Tournament. Twenty-one students competed in different events; you can find the results in the graphic below. Keep an eye out for information on how you can get involved with speech and debate at MHS's upcoming tournament in December!
Congratulations, students! We are proud of your hard work!

Congratulations to our Devil Dog Excellence winners for the week. #LoveServeCare4People❤️